Competition for dermatologists

The Fffcedev company decided to organise a competition called “Le coup d’oeil du Dermato” in French.

Modelling and digitalisation of a competition

With more than 10 years’ experience in E-learning, the company Askilab creates audit automation tools based on traditional consultant models. These models, which take the form of Excel documents, are very complicated and incomprehensible.

Askilab simplifies them with its powerful analysis and reporting tool.

Reward the best clinical cases from dermatologists

The competition “Le coup d’oeil du Dermato” is a CID-Bioderma poster competition. It took place at the Lyon congress The aim of the competition was to elect the most beautiful clinical case. Dermatologists vote for the most interesting clinical case among 45 posters presented.

The Askilab team has developed a tool for the Fffcedv company to automate the votes and generate simplified reporting templates. The objective is to make them accessible to all. Our tool saves valuable time for all consultants focusing on the management of output data.

At the end of the questionnaire, the tool shows the 5 clinical cases with the most points. These posters are collected automatically thanks to our tool. Then, there is a final selection by the dermatologist Jeanmougin and his team which consists in selecting the best 3 of them.

Finally, these 3 selected clinical cases are printed by Bioderma for a communication campaign.